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Reducing Friction in Healthcare This week I am talking to Greg Johnsen, CEO (@gregjohnsen) of LifeLink – a company creating a frictionless experience for patients, providers, and researchers using chatbot technology. We discuss the challenges in healthcare, which in many respects seems to continue to place barriers to work with requirements and processes that challenge even […]


The History The term “Snack Oil Salesman” has long been used and associated with seedy profiteers who sell fake wares to an unsuspecting public, and that is the way I use the term here (ironically the origins were at odds with this). But the term is relatively well understood as a metaphor for individuals who […]


Reducing Transmission of COVID19 This months episode of “News you can Use” on HealthcareNOWRadio features news from the month of July You can read more about the series here and the concept of keeping up with innovating in healthcare. Please send me your suggestions on topics you’d like to see covered. You can reach out direct via the contact form on my […]


July 29, 2020

Hey Stella

In this age of misinformation, it is important to add a balance to the ongoing onslaught of attempts by some to de-rail our society and do damage to the people, the country, and it’s ideals. The latest comes from some well-known quacks and bad actors like Dan Erikson (we’ve met him before for the widely […]


Surviving and Thriving Incrementally in the new Post COVID19 world demands to rethink our business and especially in the light of testing strategies for COVID19 and the challenge of knowing what you need to do to keep your business, employees and customers safe. This week I am talking about the challenge of change and the […]


Vaccines Work and Twice Over This week I am talking to Dr. Richard Pan, MD, MPH, (@DrPanMD) a pediatrician and California State Senator. He has been a leading advocate of increasing the health of everyone and raising California’s vaccination rates, sadly making him a target for online harassment and in-person assaults by conspiracy theorists and […]


Is COVID19 Mutating This week I am talking about the virus mutation and the concern this raises about our potential to produce a vaccine that offers immunity that lasts. Viruses change over time and each group of viruses and individuals within groups have different rates. Our understanding of SARS-CoV-2 suggests it does change and likely […]


Additional Cybersecurity Threats from COVID19 This week I am talking to Ryan Witt, Managing Director of the Healthcare Industry Practice at Proofpoint. Proofpoint who have new findings on an email-based attack campaign employing health-related lures and impersonating health institutions. The research indicates a growing sophistication in personalized attacks meant to steal money and data, and infect […]


COVID19 Spread by Droplet This week Fred Goldstein and I discuss aerosolization, droplets, and what the latest science is telling us (you can read more about the study: Persistence of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 in Aerosol Suspensions). The impact of this is significant on how we respond to this crisis, what behaviors to […]


So how do you assess testing strategies for your business, your employees, customers, and vendors? This week I am updating the current guidance on testing strategies and thinking about what kind of tests are available, virus and antibody testing and who and when you should be thinking about testing. The answer is complicated and varies […]


Repeated COVID19 Testing This week I dive into a study looking at testing for COVID19 in a correctional facility in Louisiana and what repeated testing can show us We remain challenged with limited testing capability and delays in reporting. Until such time as we have widespread available testing, our strategy will have to be guided […]


This months episode of “News you can Use” in the traditions of “Ask Me Anything” on HealthcareNOWRadio features news from the month of July You can read more about the series here and the concept of keeping up with innovating in healthcare. Please send me your suggestions on topics you’d like to see covered. You can reach out direct via […]


This week I discuss reopening in the context of the recent antibody testing and immunity passports. If you are tested and found to have Antibodies to COVID19 what does that mean for you and your risk of getting the disease. And, are there other possible causes of COVID19? No matter what the guidance remains the […]


Who Can Spread COVID19 As I watched the news last night it was clear to me the announcement being covered from WHO was a big deal. What the news coverage stated was that Asymptomatic carriers were not spreading COVID19 disease. Wow. That’s a big deal because if that is true then our path to preventing […]


This week I discuss Blood Groups and the potential impact this may have on COVID19 disease. In a recently pre-published paper, that added further evidence to 2 other papers (Relationship between the ABO Blood Group and the COVID-19 Susceptibility and Testing the association between blood type and COVID-19 infection, intubation, and death) that have shown […]


This week I am talking to Kim Nilsson, CEO of Pivigo (@Pivigo) and an Astrophysicist. Kim is on her second of perhaps multiple careers that began looking at the stars and is currently looking at data. After getting her PhD she decided to get an MBA and like other guests on this show discovered the […]


This week I discuss the potential for a second wave of infection and what that could mean for businesses trying to re-open and how your testing strategy can contribute to the opening without creating a second wave. Should you do clinical screening, viral or antibody testing, and which strategies should be applied. One of the […]


Tracking Apps This months episode of “News you can Use” in the traditions of “Ask Me Anything” on HealthcareNOWRadio features news from the month of June You can read more about the series here and the concept of keeping up with innovating in healthcare. Please send me your suggestions on topics you’d like to see covered. You can reach out […]


May 27, 2020


Screening for Businesses This week I discuss the challenges of screening and how companies and businesses need to approach this area. How you screen, who you screen and what screening are complex issues that are dependent on your specific business its risk profile, your employee risk profiles and of course what the latest science is on the virus There […]


Celebrating a Life with Zoom I attended a Zoom Celebration of Life of a friend who died recently and while it was imperfect it was an adaptation necessary in the current circumstances, we find ourselves in especially as Funerals and weddings which are one of several examples of activities that are higher risk gatherings for […]


This week I am talking to, Timothy Washburn, RN the Chief Clinical Officer for Electronic Caregiver about their solutions for virtual caregiving solutions including Addison, their 3D Virtual caregiver. We discuss the challenges associated with delivering home care to the aging population, a problem made more acute with the COVID19 crisis, and even more important to solve. […]


With a nod to “The Trouble with Tribbles” this week I am reviewing testing strategies in the context of getting back to work and responding to a question I received on LinkedIn. Guidance on who should get tested (and in some cases who is eligible to get tested as we remain under-resourced in the United […]


May 11, 2020

Waste Not

Smart Toilets This week I am talking to Chad Adams, President, and CEO of Medic Life – makers of one of the world’s smartest toilets, even smarter? In the context of our current Pandemic with the spread of the Virus SARS-CoV-2 that is sweeping the world and causing the disease COVID19 a virus detecting smart toilet […]


Nurses Month 2020 This months episode of “News you can Use” in the traditions of “Ask Me Anything” on HealthcareNOWRadio features news from the month of May where we focus on Nurses Month, COVID19 testing and Immunity and USMLE Step 1 Exam Cancellations You can read more about the series here and the concept of keeping up with innovating […]


The Importance of Hands-Free This week I am talking with Ben Kanter, MD CMIO for Vocera, the communications company that took the Star Trek Communicator inspired badge and put it into a hospital. They have been offering voice-enabled communications for over 20 years but have emerged as a communication and collaboration platform that uses multiple data […]


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