Serial COVID19 Testing Update

Written by on July 7, 2020

Repeated COVID19 Testing

This week I dive into a study looking at testing for COVID19 in a correctional facility in Louisiana and what repeated testing can show us

Coronavirus Emerging from Cell (seen in Yellow)

We remain challenged with limited testing capability and delays in reporting. Until such time as we have widespread available testing, our strategy will have to be guided by our latest understanding of the epidemiology of the disease to maximize our ability to accurately detect the disease. Listen in to hear what we can learn from this study an how it applies to your business


The challenges with re-opening a business are wide and varied and all these factors need to be weighed by each business in the context of the latest rapidly changing information on the virus which is where we can help you navigate a safe path to open for your employees and customers.

That’s why I am teaming up with Dr David Shulkin, Dr Michael Jaff, Fred Goldstein and Doug Goldstein to bring you an evidenced-based approach to getting companies back to work and keeping up to date with the latest science and guidelines

Our mission is to enable leaders to get America back to work, school, sports, and church safely

We need to accelerate the #Incremental steps necessary to enable the faster transformation to allow individuals and businesses to not just survive but thrive in the changing world we inhabit. Reach out to me at if you’d like my help


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