Sleep and Temperature
How hot does it get at night and how uncomfortable does that make it for you and difficult to get to sleep? I was lucky to be able to spend some time with Jessica Gunther from Eight Sleep at the Sleepshow who shared some of the details of their new sleep solution called “The Pod”.
They brought along a FLIR camera and their bed to demonstrate our temperature profile in bed. As you can see from my experience
FLIR Bed Photography
SleepShow Eight FLIR Close up Dr Nick
Heat is represented by the color
FLIR Scale
Lying on the Pod bed with the FLIR camera directed down you can see the concentration of heat in my head and in fact all across my torso. You can see the imprint of my arm and hand on the other side of the bed that left its heat-print which is already cooling thanks to the Eight Sleep Pod solution that senses the increased heat and is now working to cool that area quickly
Independent temperature control for either side which includes sensors that detect changes in temperature that feeds into a learning mechanism that tries to adapt to your personal preferences. And for those of you that want a silent thermal alarm – that’s included too, waking you up with a gradual temperature change.

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