Talking with Jane Sarsahohn-Kahn (@healthythinker) at CES 2020 Digital Health Summit where she points out that it is not about the “Shiny New Things” but rather about trust and interconnectivity and the new source of demand comes from the person that see’s their data as having value and demands:

  • Interoperability
  • Trust
  • Privacy
  • Data Security

We discuss how some corporations are taking the issue of misuse of data with some being responsible citizens using the GDPR from Europe as the guiding star. Combating the weaponization of data that has been used against us but maintaining the sharing of data without which we lose the potential for deriving new and relevant insights for improving health. What are the incremental steps to improve and drive healthier behavior with public policy a central element to success in this area? Listen in to hear the new value exchange story (this is not just being served up adverts) and how big business is taking on public health roles filling the void currently in the regulatory positions.




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