Invisible Patient Elderly Wheelchair Pixabay aging 2379003
Thanks to Daryl Carr who suggested this in his comment on my Vlog on Cholesterol and Health. This episode kicks off a series of videos that will focus on aging and how we can age healthily. For those of you who think you are not old and don’t need to watch this, and perhaps that’s everyone as they say you are only as young as you feel, a couple of points
1) You may not be now, but you will be
2) One of the most important points about aging is all about entering old age healthily and everything we will cover will apply in some form to everyone

The message is clear – we all age.

We will be talking about aging and what happens to the body and what you can do about it to mitigate the effects – applicable not just to the elderly but to everyone. We will discuss screening and its importance as we age.
We will discuss age-friendly societies and how this brings a positive impact and where you might be able to find them according to WHO

Aging and Wellness

Aging Friendly Cities around the World

The importance of supporting the elderly and how to achieve that in a home setting while making this as safe and secure as possible
We will take a look at Digital Tools that can help support the elderly and the caregivers and allow for more autonomy.
Listen in to hear the introduction and why I recorded this in Manchester England:

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videos. You can read more from Dr Nick at

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