
This week I am talking to Vittoria Lecomte (@VittoriaLecomte), CEO of Sesh (@seshgroups) a virtual group support platform that is helping address the mental health crisis and shortage of therapists. Vittoria shares her own personal struggles with an eating disorder and the difficulty in obtaining therapy that worked and how she found group therapy and how difficult finding […]


January 30, 2023

Rain Man Treatment

This week I am talking to Jamie Pagliaro, EVP and Chief Learning Officer at RethinkFirst (@Rethink_First), a software and solutions provider in behavioral health that offers evidence-based treatment tools, training, and clinical support. Jaimie has an interesting origin story that set him on the path of treating autism and spectrum disorders leading to creating the ReThink First Company […]


This week I am talking to Laura Fernandes, PhD, Senior Statistical Director COTA (@cotahealthcare) who provide real-world data and analytics to help health systems expedite cancer research and standardize cancer patient care, and empowers life sciences companies to accelerate drug development and regulatory approvals for life-saving cancer drugs and treatments. Laura comes from an international […]


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