The importance of Mask wearing

February 11, 2021

Clarity in Words

Winter Weather What? There is no doubting the challenges over the last several months with the COVID19 pandemic that has affected so much of our work and lives. Many have struggled with the changing advice around face coverings which in the very early days of the pandemic were discouraged as seen in this transcript from […]


This week’s discussion centers on contact tracing and some of the complexities of doing this in a workplace or college setting. The Johns Hopkins Contact Tracing Course is a good starting place but as anyone who takes the course will discover understanding the basic principles is just a starting point and there are many factors to […]


Mental Health Challenges Sadly, we are seeing increasing rates of brain health challenges around the country and likely the world. Problems that existed before having been amplified by the pandemic and the social isolation we are all experiencing. The impact of this is not just confined to adults and employees but permeates throughout our society […]


To close out the year Fred Goldstein and I review the things that took place in 2020 in healthcare generally that includes: A renewed focus on “Surprise billing” Getting everyone including patients seamless health data access Drug pricing transparency and why the US pays so much more The FDA warns Vaping is bad for your […]


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