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  Security is a Worldwide Problem The recent rash of ransomware and hacking attacks have highlighted once again the highly exposed nature of our information systems and the challenge of securing these systems. In May of 2017 Wannacry trojan encryptor malware was unleashed and spread rapidly bringing many hospitals in the National Health Service (NHS) to a standstill. It […]


What will it take to move our healthcare system to a truly patient-centered system? We know based on multiple data points that engaged patients have a big impact on the successful outcome of treatment. Leonard Kish cited the phrase back in 2012 Patient Engagement is the Blockbuster Drug of the Century Referencing a 2009 Kaiser […]


Secure Your Accounts Today No better example of simple security preventing what would have been at best a major disruption of my account or at worse a loss of control and embarrassment than last night I was joining the #HCLDR tweetup when I received notification on my phone Someone was trying to login to my account […]


2015 was an incredible year in technology and healthcare; from new consumer technology and personalized devices coming to market to the introduction of new supercomputers that reduce the time and cost of healthcare data analysis. It’s been great to see how innovation continues to penetrate the medical profession, improving patient services and care. As we […]


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