Digital Front Door

This week I am talking to Hal Baker, MD Senior Vice President & Chief Digital & Chief Information Officer at WellSpan Health that continues to be named one of the nation’s “Digital Health Most Wired” health systems by the College of Healthcare Information Management Executives (CHIME), underscoring WellSpan’s efforts to lean into innovative technological advances to improve […]


This week I am talking to Joshua Titus, CEO of Gozio (@GozioHealth) a company who have an unwavering focus on customer experience and healthcare consumer engagement. We dive into Joshua’s early work with nVidea and first-person gaming (do you remember the regional MS-DOS First person Shooter game Doom) that allowed him to build a portfolio […]


Attending the CHIME 2022 30th Anniversary celebration was a real trip back through memory lane A reminder of what was going on 30 years ago included the maiden voyage of the Space Shuttle Endeavor (now in the California Science Center) and AT&T launching their first “VideoPhone 2500” (it sold for $1,500 per unit). Also notable […]


This week I am talking to Mark Dorner, Co-Founder and CEO PreciseMDx, a company that is rethinking the diagnostic testing journey for patients and working to create the best and most efficient diagnostic service for everyone. The company was founded right at the beginning of the pandemic based on personal experiences with testing for cancer which had […]


This week I am talking to David Stern, MD CEO of Experity (@experityhealth) who is working to change the way urgent care works for patients by rethinking the offerings delivered in this setting. With a focus on medicine and the user experience David looked for a technical solution to help capture, document, and automate the […]


This week I am talking to Colin Banas, MD Chief Medical Officer of DrFirst (@DrFirst) a company looking to unite the “Healthiverse” and shatter the silos in our healthcare data. Colin started out as a hospitalist working at VCU but quickly became involved in healthcare technology working alongside others to develop early implementations of electronic medical […]


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