
This week I am talking to Connor Landgraf (@connorlandgraf) Co-founder and CEO at Eko (@Eko_Health) – a company rethinking the iconic stethoscope augmenting the capability with innovation Connor founded Eko while studying bioengineering at the University of California, Berkeley, with the goal of improving cardiovascular and pulmonary disease monitoring through machine learning and non-invasive sensors. […]


This week I am talking to Ankit Rohatagi, MD, Chief Clinical Officer, AssureCare (@AssureCareLLC) an innovative, patient-centered, connected care platform that is trying to increase access to care while reducing cost. We dive into Ankit’s background traversing multiple clinical systems and countries providing him with useful and important insights into what works for healthcare and what […]


  This week I am talking to Tom Stanis (@TomStanis), CEO of StoryHealth (@StoryHealthAI), a company that combines virtual care, remote monitoring, and AI to bridge the data gap between health system specialists, primary care doctors, and patients to extend care for patients with severe conditions with their first focus around heart failure, as they return […]


Do you Have a Doctor in the Family This week I am talking to Walter Jin, CEO at Pager (@getpager) a virtual care company that integrates care across different platforms and channels wit the goal of democratizing access of healthcare to the widest possible population, nationally and internationally, as possible. Walter’s journey started out as an investor […]


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