blood test

This month’s episode of “News You Can Use” on HealthcareNOWRadio features news from the month of October 2023 The show that gives you a quick insight into the latest news, twists, turns and debacles going on in healthcare with my friend and co-host Craig Joseph, MD (@CraigJoseph) Chief Medical Officer at Nordic Consulting Partners and myself, where every […]


This week I am talking to Mark Dorner, Co-Founder and CEO PreciseMDx, a company that is rethinking the diagnostic testing journey for patients and working to create the best and most efficient diagnostic service for everyone. The company was founded right at the beginning of the pandemic based on personal experiences with testing for cancer which had […]


Which COVID19 Test Leading up to the Thanksgiving break there was a challenge getting tested. What unfolded for some people was getting a test that provided little useful information. Sadly, with the constantly changing landscape of COVID19 determining what test you should be getting and what the results mean can be difficult. This week Fred […]


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