
Shifting Intelligence Has the internet shifted our ability to learn and understand our world? And I don’t mean in a good way. The ready access to information has changed our access to knowledge and opened the doors for many. For many in my generation, they talk about the collection of the Encyclopedia Britannica (ironically the […]


Telehealth Week This week is Telehealth awareness week so it was great to catch up with Ann Wood Johnson (@AnnMondJohnson), CEO of the American Telemedicine Association – ATA (@AmericanTelemed), the only organization completely focused on accelerating the adoption of Telehealth. Ann started out focused on early stage companies and joined the ATA before the Pandemic and has […]


Pattern Recognition for the Visual Mind This week I am meeting with Art Papier, MD, a dermatologist and CEO and co-founder of VisualDx, a company offering a diagnostic clinical decision support system designed to enhance diagnostic accuracy, aid therapeutic decisions, and improve patient safety and recently featured in the NY Times for their 20-year journey an […]


The History The term “Snack Oil Salesman” has long been used and associated with seedy profiteers who sell fake wares to an unsuspecting public, and that is the way I use the term here (ironically the origins were at odds with this). But the term is relatively well understood as a metaphor for individuals who […]


This week I am talking to Brian Powers, MD, (@brianwpowers) resident physician at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston. As you will hear he has already achieved a great deal as an emerging voice in Amerian Medicine but we focused on the recently published paper “Dissecting racial bias in an algorithm used to manage the health […]


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