Relentless Evolution

Written by on June 7, 2019

Why Incrementalism Must be Relentless
Talking with Craig Samitt, MD, President, and CEO of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota (BCBSMN)  at the World Healthcare Congress (WHCC19). As he described himself

“the old incumbent and was a bit impatient and irreverent about the pace of change”

He has passion for a transformation in our industry – our need to shift to value and move faster and that incremental steps are not enough to bring necessary change
He is working at BCBSMN on improving health by tapping into other industries and importantly stop benchmarking against other health systems but rather compare ourselves to other industries. We have a tendency to imitate other healthcare systems rather than imitate other industries who have solved many of the problems we are facing in healthcare.
I challenged his view on the failure of incremental processes which as he sees them have a tendency to stop once a small success has been achieved. So for incremental improvements to work the key learning point here is you must keep moving forward. Incremental steps don’t stop, keep moving forward and making adjustments, improvements, course corrections to end with “Relentless evolution
You can listen in to the full interview below


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