Perhaps this interview might be a tipping point for change?

Direct to Consumer Advertising of Drugs in the United States

One outcome from this interview was the realization for people outside the US and inside that drug advertising was unique to this country. Many watched the interview online to discover that it was filled with adverts for drugs, the news even for Americans who did not realize their television channel was filled with things that other countries do not allow.

The United States is one of only two countries in the world that allows for direct-to-consumer (DTC) advertising of drugs (aka Direct-to-consumer pharmaceutical advertising – DTCPA). Even prior to the relaxation of rules by the FDA in 1997 we saw a 3000% increase in advert spending in the preceding 15 years. And it’s been on a tear since.

While there are arguments to be made on educating patients so they can have a more informed conversation with their doctor and the value of better dialogue and destigmatization, do these benefits outweigh the overemphasis on drug treatment, misinformation and misunderstanding, and outright promotion of treatments before they have demonstrable value. This includes copycat drugs with no significant benefits over older cheaper medications including some combinations of generic drugs that add enormous unnecessary cost.

Adverts work – they must otherwise companies who are driven by the bottom line and return on investment would not invest the money. If the spending is increasing then it must be working effectively and providing a return.

The US spends 250% more than any other country on drugs which raises the question of the association and is removing the DTCPA part of resolving this discrepancy?

Can people still access the information – you bet. The internet was nascent when much of this advertising started, now it has become the fundamental source and widely available (accepting there are some inequities that must be addressed). Perhaps the first incremental step is at least a willingness to acknowledge this might be harming us and refusing to be swayed by the large sums of lobbying money that focus on keeping this ‘freedom’ available.



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