I was lucky to catch the ever insightful Dr. Atul Butte (The Distinguished Professor and inaugural Director of the Bakar Computational Health Sciences Institute, University of California, San Francisco and TEDxSF Presenter ) following his presentation at Health Datapalooza. He had just come off stage from his presentation: Translating a Trillion Points of Data into Therapies, Diagnostics, and New Insights into Disease where he shared some of the results from his institution’s agreement to share all that data
Univ of California Sharing all their data

The country has been spending billions on the electronic health care records and we are barely using this data and it would be a tragedy if we don’t use this data in a safe respectful way to improve the practice of medicine

I love this his Incremental step to freeing this data – think about the source of the data and who is currently holding it and understand the financial or economic incentives

Ultimately we have to demonstrate the shared economic value for these data owners to open up and share the data.

Listen in to hear his thoughts including in the age of all this data what the future holds for Randomized Controlled Studies (RCT).


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