COVID Coordinator

Written by on August 11, 2020

Is There an End!

Is there light at the end of the COVID19 tunnel – yes there is but it can be hard to see it as time drags on. How do we get our businesses and schools back to some semblance of our previous experience and open safely?


Once again learning from other experiences Apollo 13 must have appeared a pretty dire circumstance with a spaceship hurtling towards the moon with a fraction of the oxygen and power necessary to survive the journey, much less get back home. One of the key decisions made by Gene Kranz as the facts unfolded was assigning a single person to be responsible as the “Power Broker”. One individual who was to take all the requests for power requirements and make a determination on what was essential and what would have to be given up if the spacecraft and its crew were to get back to earth safely


So to the case for COVID19 – the importance of a central resource who is responsible for staying up to date with the latest updates and news and coordinating your response is central to the success of a safe opening. It’s a small incremental step but a significant one. You can learn more about this and the other elements of creating a safe return to work and school program



Surviving and Thriving Incrementally in the new Post COVID19 world demands to rethink our business and especially in the light of testing strategies for COVID19 and the challenge of knowing what you need to do to keep your business, employees and customers safe.

This week I am talking about the challenge of change and the importance of incremental approaches. We all resist and dislike change – it is built into our human psyche so making change happen demands we account for this and work around this resistance. How do you go about that – you create small steps that everyone can take on and be successful.

We need to accelerate the #Incremental steps necessary to enable the faster transformation to allow individuals and businesses to not just survive but thrive in the changing world we inhabit. Reach out to me at if you’d like my help

There is a free introductory module available here
and the training modules can be found at here

We have developed a number of packages to choose from to provide customized advice and support to businesses looking to re-open safely and you can find more information here

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