Speech Recognition

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CLINICAL DOCUMENTATION NOW I’LL TELL YOU WHAT I WANT, WHAT I REALLY REALLY WANT Enough bitching like a Spice Girl, it’s time to structure my wish list and share it with you, dear vendors. Let’s start with my favorite topic if you don’t mind: Clinical Documentation and Data Input. So here’s my story from A to Z…if […]


via fedtechmagazine.com Dr Robert walker among a growing band of physicians finding benefit in dictating in front of his patients. As he puts it: Before I started dictating in front of patients, I would have said I don’t make many mistakes. But now once or twice a week they correct me — they say it […]


Speech Technology Speech recognition offers efficiencies today but recent innovations and new technologies will expand the horizon of opportunity with speech technologies that will change the human computer interface, simplifying the interaction and offering new and innovative tools that increase efficiency and safety of healthcare delivery and reduce the administrative burden and decrease costs. Medical […]


via businessinsider.com The “Blue Ocean” (non-smart phones ripe for putting smart phones in the hands of users) is “huge”. There remains much opportunity in the mobile market place but the penetration is increasing for Apple and Android with Android on a tear with its open-source strategy. Mobiel devices are the mainstay of communication tools for […]


via freep.com Cars that understand what you say….coming to a car near you. Part of the ongoing push and the new age of speech recognition is the ability to understand what the driver asks for with interpretive system that include natural language processing (NLP) and some element of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to offer drivers a […]


We are facing significant changes to the world of clinical documentation with the big push encompassed in the Meaningful Use requirements that push provides and healthcare facilities inexorably towards an electronic medical record (EMR) but there remain significant concerns over the potential impact these solutions can and will have on our clinical documentation. In this […]


Mike Elgan said so……: Say it with me: Voice is ready for prime time, It’s time for the victory of voice to shout down the tyranny of text in this enlightening piece that had many comments all in the positive relative the to advance of technology Talking is the best user interface…Language is natural to […]


Along the lines of Deep Blue IBM is breaking new ground with its latest research innovation “Watson” focused no Natural Language Processing applied in this instance to the well known television game of Jeopardy. Take a look at the video that features the Super Computer Watson pitted against contestants in a real game of Jeopardy. […]


Mobility and medicine has long been a staple of clinicians lives. With the increasing penetration of wireless and connectivity we have seen increasing ability to access information on the move but data capture continued to be a challenge. Now technology is catching up and providing tools and technologies that will allow physicians to be effective […]


Hidden in an article that reviewed nursing opinions on computerized records: (AFT: Nurses Express Mixed Opinions on Computerized Records) was a striking data point While 73 percent said implementation of the systems went smoothly, many problems were identified, including 52 percent who said physicians are refusing to use the new systems. Yikes – that alone […]


Pauline Chen wrote a piece in the NY Times on April 22, 2010 titled: An Unforeseen Complication of Electronic Medical Records which in many respects is an understatement. There are many untended consequences big and small and while the appreciation of the benefits: fewer missing charts streamlined information and efficient work-flow patterns It was with […]


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